Traditional Catholic Radio V11

Traditional Catholic Radio

Traditional Catholic Radio

Schedule (U.S. Eastern Time Zone) Current Time: 03:41:06

Sunday Mar 23
3rd Sunday of Lent (I)

Monday Mar 24
Feria (III)
St. Gabriel

Tuesday Mar 25
Annunciation of the BVM(I)

Wednesday Mar 26
Feria (III)

Thursday Mar 27
Feria (III)
S. John the Damascene

Friday Mar 28
Feria (III)

Saturday Mar 29
Feria (III)

00:01:00 Trip to Athlone
00:54:00 Catholic Duty (+DC)
01:02:00 Sorrows of Hell (+JP)
02:00:00 Laetare Sunday in Lent (+A)
02:21:00 Septuagesuma (+JP)
02:51:00 Just War - John Sharpe
03:32:00 Bishop Fulton Sheen: Chuch-The Body of Christ
04:00:00 Sunday Mass
05:02:00 Auriesille 2017 - Our Lady of Fatima (+AP)
05:25:00 Fr. J. Pfeiffer-The Last Supper
06:00:00 Rosarium-Sorrowful Mysteries
06:30:00 Prime Sunday
06:58:00 Passion Psalms
07:30:00 Music of the Blessed Virgin
09:00:00 Sunday Mass
10:02:00 Sins of the Tongue (+SS)
10:27:00 Lent Mission-2 (+A)
12:00:00 Angelus (Sung)
12:05:00 Sext-Sunday
12:24:00 Art of Parenting-Nature of Virtue (+ST)
13:31:00 Tenebrae for Holy Saturday
14:43:00 Heresy of Modernism - Craig Heimbichner
15:24:00 Palm Sunday (+JP)
16:00:00 Rosarium-Sorrowful Mysteries
16:34:00 Septuagesima (+PM)
17:01:00 Consideration of Hell (+SD)
17:19:00 Cancer of Communism (+SS)
18:00:00 Angelus (Sung)
18:11:00 Humor of Bishop Sheen (+FS)
19:00:00 Vespers
19:35:00 Fr. J. Pfeiffer-Agony in the Garden
20:00:00 Rosarium-Sorrowful Mysteries
20:30:00 Compline Sunday
21:01:00 Auriesille 2017 - Launch Sermon (+JB)
21:23:00 Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament - 3rd SOL (+DH)
22:05:00 C. Ferriera - The Counter-Church
22:47:00 Septuagesima Sunday (+SS)
23:30:00 Evening Prayers
00:01:00 Mens Conference 2021-Poverty (+SS)
01:07:00 Doctrinal Conference (23-24)(+RW)
01:45:00 Has The Devil Won?
02:06:00 Marys Power Against Satan
02:30:00 Bishop Williamson - Chosen
03:00:00 Rosarium-Joyful Mysteries
03:34:00 Bishop Fellay - Ecuminism
04:11:00 Good Friday (+TF)
05:00:00 Daily Mass
06:00:00 Rosarium-Joyful Mysteries
06:30:00 Prime Monday
06:54:00 Limbo - Brother Bugnolo
07:35:00 First Sunday in Lent (+JP)
08:00:00 Daily Mass
08:49:00 Second Sunday Of Lent (+GP)
09:30:00 Prime Monday
09:54:00 Passion Sunday (+JP)
10:25:00 Second Sunday in Lent (+A)
10:40:00 First Sunday of Lent (+CF)
11:14:00 Fr. Burfitt - SSPX Phoenix Apospolate
12:00:00 Angelus (+PJXXIII)
12:05:00 Sext-Monday
12:22:00 Third Sunday in Lent (+JD)
12:48:00 Duty To Know Our Faith (+SS)
13:20:00 Authority and Infallibility (+FS)
13:53:00 Fr. Cooper - Holy Thursday
14:21:00 Art of Parenting-Discipline Rules 1-3 (+GB)
16:00:00 Rosarium-Joyful Mysteries
16:34:00 Judith Sharpe - What We Have Lost
17:14:00 Palm Sunday (+HL)
18:00:00 Angelus (+PJXXIII)
18:12:00 Bishop Fulton Sheen: Authority and Infallibility
18:46:00 Bishop Fulton Sheen: Communism and the Church
19:21:00 Quid Est Veritas (+PP)
20:29:00 Fr Pfeiffer - 2nd Sunday Of Lent -07
21:05:00 Fatima (+SS)
21:34:00 Bro Bugnolo - The New Mass
22:12:00 Doctrinal Conference 02 (+RW) P11
23:00:00 Compline Monday
23:30:00 Evening Prayers
00:01:00 Soul in the State of Grace (+MR)
00:23:00 Bishop Williamson - Eternity is Long
01:01:00 Fr. J. Pfeiffer-The Victory of the Cross
01:37:00 Passion of the Christ consideration (+JP)
03:00:00 Rosarium-Sorrowful Mysteries
03:30:00 Prime Tuesday
03:55:00 Bishop Fulton Sheen: Line Up the Claimants
04:28:00 Bishop Williamson - Grace Of Fidelity
05:00:00 Daily Mass
06:00:00 Rosarium-Sorrowful Mysteries
06:30:00 Prime Tuesday
06:55:00 Nine lepars (+VL)
07:18:00 Objections to the Council (+SG)
08:00:00 Daily Mass
08:49:00 Art of Parenting-Discipline Rules 1-3 (+GB)
09:30:00 Prime Tuesday
09:55:00 WALK - Sanctuary Lamp Has Gone Out
10:40:00 Holy Week Mission 2017 (+SS)
12:00:00 Angelus (Sung)
12:11:00 Archbishop Lefebvre Conference (In English) (+ML)
13:27:00 Laetare Sunday (+SS)
13:53:00 Art of Parenting - Self Conquest (+GB)
15:19:00 Bishop Fulton Sheen: Effects of Original Sin
16:00:00 Rosarium-Sorrowful Mysteries
16:34:00 Bishop Williamson-Manifestation of the Power of God
17:07:00 Keep Your eyes on the Goal
17:32:00 Judging Ourselves (+JP)
18:00:00 Angelus (Sung)
18:11:00 Shroud of Turin
20:00:00 Rosarium-Sorrowful Mysteries
20:34:00 Fr. MacPherson - Hell
20:59:00 Art of Parenting - Good Habits (+GB)
21:50:00 John Vennari - Rock and Roll (WALK)
23:00:00 Compline Tuesday
00:01:00 Mens Conference 2021-Chastity (+SS)
01:18:00 Holy Ghost (+FS)
02:01:00 Second Sunday in Lent (+A)
02:16:00 First Sunday of Lent (+CF)
03:00:00 Rosarium-Glorious Mysteries
03:34:00 Fr. Burfitt - SSPX Phoenix Apospolate
04:10:00 Third Sunday in Lent (+JD)
04:36:00 Duty To Know Our Faith (+SS)
05:00:00 Daily Mass
06:00:00 Rosarium-Glorious Mysteries
06:30:00 Prime Wednesday
06:55:00 Authority and Infallibility (+FS)
07:28:00 Fr. Cooper - Holy Thursday
08:00:00 Daily Mass
08:49:00 Judith Sharpe - What We Have Lost
09:30:00 Prime Wednesday
09:55:00 Palm Sunday (+HL)
10:28:00 Bishop Fulton Sheen: Authority and Infallibility
11:02:00 Bishop Fulton Sheen: Communism and the Church
11:37:00 Quid Est Veritas (+PP)
12:00:00 Angelus (+PJXXIII)
12:05:00 Prime Wednesday
12:30:00 Fr Pfeiffer - 2nd Sunday Of Lent -07
13:06:00 Fatima (+SS)
13:35:00 Bro Bugnolo - The New Mass
14:13:00 Doctrinal Conference 02 (+RW) P11
15:24:00 Bishop Williamson - Eternity is Long
16:00:00 Rosarium-Glorious Mysteries
16:34:00 Fr. J. Pfeiffer-The Victory of the Cross
17:10:00 Passion of the Christ consideration (+JP)
18:00:00 Angelus (+PJXXIII)
18:12:00 Bishop Fulton Sheen: Line Up the Claimants
18:45:00 Nine lepars (+VL)
19:08:00 Objections to the Council (+SG)
20:00:00 Rosarium-Glorious Mysteries
20:30:00 Compline Wednesday
21:02:00 Art of Parenting-Discipline Rules 1-3 (+GB)
22:03:00 WALK - Sanctuary Lamp Has Gone Out
23:00:00 Compline Wednesday
23:30:00 Evening Prayers
00:01:00 Trip to Athlone
00:54:00 Holy Week Mission 2017 (+SS)
02:12:00 Archbishop Lefebvre Conference (In English) (+ML)
03:00:00 Rosarium-Joyful Mysteries
03:30:00 Prime Thursday
03:55:00 Laetare Sunday (+SS)
04:21:00 Art of Parenting - Self Conquest (+GB)
05:00:00 Daily Mass
06:00:00 Rosarium-Joyful Mysteries
06:30:00 Prime Thursday
06:55:00 Bishop Fulton Sheen: Effects of Original Sin
07:30:00 Bishop Williamson-Manifestation of the Power of God
08:00:00 Daily Mass
08:49:00 Keep Your eyes on the Goal
09:30:00 Prime Thursday
09:55:00 Judging Ourselves (+JP)
10:28:00 Fr. MacPherson - Hell
10:53:00 Art of Parenting - Good Habits (+GB)
12:00:00 Angelus (Sung)
12:11:00 John Vennari - Rock and Roll (WALK)
13:04:00 Bishop Fulton Sheen: Christ in the Creed
14:09:00 Dr. David Allen White - Principle of non-contradiction
15:00:00 Be Nothing Solicitous (+AC)
15:20:00 John Venari - Catholic Action (Pt 2)
16:00:00 Rosarium-Joyful Mysteries
16:34:00 Church of Christ clarification (JV)
17:15:00 Third Sunday in Lent (+AP)
18:00:00 Angelus (Sung)
18:11:00 Palm Sunday (+SS)
18:52:00 Fr. Hunter - Quinquagesima
19:19:00 Doctrinal Conference (25-26)(+RW)
20:00:00 Rosarium-Joyful Mysteries
20:31:00 Compline Thursday
21:02:00 Fr. J. Pfeiffer-The Crucifixion
21:55:00 An Enemy Did This (+JP)
22:36:00 ISOC-Joan of Arc (JM)
23:00:00 Compline Thursday
23:30:00 Evening Prayers
00:01:00 Mens Conference 2021-Spirit of Poverty (+SS)
00:55:00 Septuagesima (+TP)
01:36:00 Doctrinal Conference 02 (+RW) P13
03:00:00 Rosarium-Sorrowful Mysteries
03:30:00 Prime Friday
03:55:00 Good Friday Chant
05:00:00 Daily Mass
06:00:00 Rosarium-Sorrowful Mysteries
06:30:00 Prime Friday
06:55:00 Doctrinal Conference (21-22)(+RW)
08:00:00 Daily Mass
08:49:00 Fr. J. Pfeiffer-Reality of Death
09:34:00 Way of the Cross
10:34:00 Arabic and Eastern Doxology
12:00:00 Angelus (+PJXXIII)
12:05:00 Sext-Friday
12:21:00 Fr. J. Pfeiffer-Evil of Sin
13:08:00 Lent Mission (+A)
13:43:00 Arabic and Eastern Office
14:30:00 Russian Seminary Chant
15:35:00 Holy Thursday
16:00:00 Rosarium-Sorrowful Mysteries
16:34:00 Lent Mission-3 (+A)
18:00:00 Angelus (+PJXXIII)
18:12:00 Fr. J. Pfeiffer-Our Sins Deserve Damnation
19:18:00 Fr. J. Pfeiffer-The Particular Judgement
20:00:00 Rosarium-Sorrowful Mysteries
20:31:00 Compline Friday
21:02:00 Julian The Apostate
21:59:00 Art of Parenting (+GB)
23:00:00 Compline Friday
23:30:00 Evening Prayers
00:01:00 Shroud of Turin
02:30:00 Fr. Cooper Sexagesima
03:00:00 Rosarium-Glorious Mysteries
03:30:00 Prime Saturday
03:59:00 Mary Magdelen (+JP)
04:37:00 Bishop Fulton Sheen: Humanity of Christ
05:00:00 Daily Mass
06:00:00 Rosarium-Glorious Mysteries
06:30:00 Prime Saturday
06:59:00 Eucharistic Conference (+PR)
08:00:00 Daily Mass
08:49:00 Doctrinal Conference 02 (+RW) P12
09:30:00 Prime Saturday
09:59:00 Palm Sunday-2 (+HL)
10:39:00 Art of Parenting - Sex Education (+GB)
11:33:00 C. Ferriera - Toronto Hindu Mass
12:00:00 Angelus (+PJXXIII)
12:05:00 Sext-Saturday
12:23:00 Catechism Oct 7 (+SS)
12:57:00 John Venari - Catholic Action (Pt 1)
13:38:00 Papacy Heir of the Empire (JR)
13:38:00 2012 Angelus Conference-Papacy-Heir-Roman-Empire
15:06:00 Holy Thursday (+DC)
15:35:00 Tenebrae for Good Friday
16:00:00 Rosarium-Glorious Mysteries
16:34:00 Fr. J. Pfeiffer-Betrayal of Judas
18:00:00 Angelus (+PJXXIII)
18:12:00 Laetare (+CM)
18:38:00 Loaves and Fishes (+PR)
19:00:00 Vespers
19:35:00 Septuagesima Sunday -07- (+JP)
20:00:00 Rosarium-Glorious Mysteries
20:31:00 Compline Saturday
21:01:00 Holy Saturday (+TF)
21:38:00 Dr. David Allen White - Illusion
23:00:00 Compline Saturday
23:35:00 Evening Prayers
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